20 October, 2009

08 October, 2009

Xuanzy n me were slacking at airport a few days back.

We stumbled upon a Michael Jackson tribute thing and the guy looks EXACTLY like him!

So much, I actually felt star-struck. LOL.

05 October, 2009


Went to Zirca to celebrate~ weeeee!

Ordered lots of drinks..

and food! The food was max yums I tell ya!

tempting right?! ahhh. Im getting hungry. You can see Junhao's uber excited expression just by holding a fry. LOL ok kidding!

We all had one too many shots I tell ya.

And thus, were wasted as hell.

Overall, a fanstatic night!


Hope you like the gifts and our little surprise. Hahaha. It's sweet right?!

Shagged. Shagged. Shagged.

Did my huge head shock ya? LOL.