10 April, 2010

Night Cycling Part II

This time, we decided to cycle to Changi Beach! Junhao came for the 'adventure'. LoLs.

Cycled & reached Changi Village, we stopped for dinner at a prata shop as me n DD were hungryy to the max.

We later cycled down to Changi Beach to chit chat, enjoy the breeze & camwhore. Ha.

We decided to take a super long way home where we muz cycle at super long road which we called The Never-Ending Road. Because it was really long!

It's actually the length of a whole runway, we were cycling just beside Airport & we can see air planes take off every now and then. And, a runway is way longer than u think!

I must have at least lost a kg! Good but exhuasting workout =D


deidrea said...

LOL the jumping photo I look uber dumb luh. AND NEXT DESTINATION SHALL BE EAST COAST :D

Krinz TMZ said...

and the next next destination will be West Coast. LOL JOKE!!!