04 December, 2010

Hey ya'll. Booked out and have my weekend of freedom. During the week, went to NUH for a bone scan to confirm what the freak is wrong with my leg.

Got the results and it's a fracture at my mid shin. I can't believe I actually broke my bone during training. Omg.

However, it still isn't going to stop me from having a life and enjoy the little bit of freedom I get. Hahaha. I just walk super slow.. like really slow.

Went to beach road to buy field camp stuff. OMG. FIELD CAMP NEXT WEEK! I seriously don't know if I can survive it.

All the stories I heard, I don't know how I'm going to go through it. And even now with my leg like this. But no matter what, I still want to go so that I can pass BMT and POP.

All the stuff. Okay, maybe I did went a little over but I also was also buying a few for a camp mate okay. But ya, admit I went a little out-field crazy.

To everyone, please keep me in your prayers this following week and the week after. xo.

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