11 November, 2008

Went to catch a movie with Steve, Taufik and Deidrea yesterday.

Watched The Coffin though it's the second time for Deidrea and Taufik. The movie was alright. Not as good as I expected. Like a typical story about wondering ghosts and solving the mystery of all the paranormal happenings. However, the movie really nasty. It will show such peaceful scenes and suddenly shock you off guard. I even got a shock when a man cut the coconut!

We were talking about a haunted house near Cineleisure before the movie. Somehow, we decided to visit it after watching the horror film! We're crazy, aren't we? We stood outside deciding whether or not to go in.

After much thought, we went in, all locking arms and trying hard not to freak out. Thankfully, nothing happened. The house looks scary. We didn't dare go in, only 'admiring' it from afar.

ANYWAY! While walking around Cineleisure. We spotted an actor! IT'S...


Okay, he tried to disguise himself by wearing a hat and that yellow-ish glass geek specs but fail. I still recognized him. Haha. We chased him down like crazy fans to ask for a picture. And what's more, I don't even like watch his shows or care about him but somehow, I was a little starstruck. A little..

He's really polite and friendly though.


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